Stop killing

Team creativity.


creative strategist


Graphic designer and marketing manager

with 5+ years experience. Presentation addict, learning advocate, workshop facilitator and technology geek.

Source: Dubirong

"there is way more power to creativity than we dare to think."

"people better start working together to change the status quo."

Source: chxrrypie
Source: chxrrypie
Source: chxrrypie

"we are wasting time not talking about the same."

Source: chxrrypie
Source: banancore

Let's Create

ideas together

And Test them.

Everything starts with a problem


ends with a creative solution experiment -

in between we create clarity


collect ideas

and have fun.

Source: TWIX

Jump right in

get on a journey

Source: illustrescu
Source: The Social
Source: Firefly Atelier Design
Source: banancore

Well you are not wasting any time,

are you? Love it.

If you are not into beer and chatbots, 

contact me the traditional way:



Emergency medical technician

Brand planner

Graphic designer



Video +



Source: kellyelsubi

C eative problem SOlver


Source: sperling bags











Source: kellyelsubi
Source: kellyelsubi
Source: Arthur Coppens
Source: Arthur Coppens

Based in Berlin, home on earth.

I love to question the status quo and help people become curious.

Always trying cutting edge tools and technology to tell stories

and create experiences.

Travel the world, meet, connect and push people to become a better version of themself.

I am a lifelong learner, energetic optimist, presentation lover,

and believe in direct honest conversations.

I strategize, visionize, experiment and help people to get a visual glimpse of how the world could be -

together, with more fun.

Source: banancore
Source: banancore




Source: kellyelsubi


trained by

What would it be worth to turn endless discussions into quick and fun results?

Source: Mattin

We talk too much -

and create too little. In team meetings only a few "loud ones" are talking - no one understands - and no one can agree. The problem begins.

Changing from the traditional discussion or presentation to a workshop structure makes sharing thoughts something worth listening to.

Source: ryan

Some call it


I call it workshopping.

Source: Yessy One

writing on sticky notes is like an upgrading for your thinking memory

As AN WORKSHOP Facilitator

I help you

to design, run and facilitate workshops from 30 minutes to

7 days - on every topic - where you want to turn discussions into clarity - with better outcome in shorter time.

Source: kellyelsubi


Source: kellyelsubi


Source: kellyelsubi


trained by

What is it worth to you learning from someone else experiences?

Source: Mattin

Stepping outside of the marketing world showed me, radical candit communication has the power to take away fear from people and proper training is essential to help save lives in the most stressful situations.

Sharing experiences is more important than ever - to let your team grow and get better saving lifes.

As AN Emergency medical technician

I help you

to stay alive.

And if that is not enought I help to try new ways of learning with digital tools, find solutions to better exchange knowledge and create easy to understand visual presentations - worth being listened to.


and rand planner

Source: Arthur Coppens
Source: kellyelsubi

trained by

Source: Mattin

When was the last time you were excited about your company?

Find your vision - your north-star, your why. Agree on where you want to go - and set objektives, create goals and define key results. Work on that vision every day - test- adopt - be bold and get creative to let yourself know where to go and how to reach it.

Branding is powerful –

but only if the team shares

the vision.

Created client work and case studies from

As a communication + Brand planner

I help you

ask the right question, sparken curiosity, help to clarify what drives your company from within and toss all the marketing buzzwords to give people a chance to connect with your company.

Source: kellyelsubi
Source: kellyelsubi



Source: Mattin

What would you learn if you had every information at your fingertip?

While founding a company with Moritz, my best high-school-friend I quickly realized - you could learn everything online, fast, with more fun than in school.

Tools are easy to learn with the right goal and team to practice.

Were glad to make content for these companies

As a Photographer + videographer

I help you

by teaching photo and video tools, test new content ideas and set up easy to understand workflows for people inside your company to create and edit interactive content fast.


raphic designer

Source: Jessy

trained by

Source: Mattin

Ever thought about committing on one clear goal ?

Visual communication

is key to understand the world - find interest and attract the human brain.

People often get lost with no clear communication-goal - and everybody starts to judge the design by their own taste. - No one wants that. Trust me. No one.

As a Graphic designer

I help you

to use the power of visual communication - to tell stories, shape thoughts and attract people to your ideas.

Source: milly cohen

We need to talk




Source: kenzie.szymarek

I am interested in your thoughts And taste of beer


AJ & SMart

Rocket internet

Jung v. Matt

Coppenrath & Wiese

Source: Mattie | Fantaart

Strategic Planning

Source: DilleKamille


Digitalization + teambuilding

Source: Madison Jadzia Design

family company

Graphic Design

Source: Freu dich auf Korbach
Source: Freu dich auf Korbach


Source: Zus Designs



Source: Farmacy Beauty



Source: Christine Parker & Co


Tools +


Source: Hot Topic
Source: Mattie | Fantaart

Photo +


self found company






"Working hard for something we don‘t care about is called stress.

Working hard for something we love is called passion."

- Simon Sinek


The world changes us - to the bad, if we don't change it to the good.

Source: Purdue University


Question more.

Explore faster.

Share now.

Source: Purdue University


Bring people together.

Create curiosity.

Try tools.



Source: milly cohen

We need to talk




Source: kenzie.szymarek

I am interested in your thoughts And taste of beer


Real friends


FAKE machines





"Marc is loud, extrovert and always enthusiastic but at the same time helpful, attentive and very caring.

If he would be an animal he’d be a giant panda because I like pandas – and I like Marc."

"Marc is the craziest person I’ve ever met in my life!

But also one of the most honest, kindest and lovable ones. He always keeps a cool head and stays calm, when everybody else is stressed.

With his fancy solutions and ideas he always makes me laugh. Everybody who has the chance to meet Marc or to work with him is a very lucky one."

"Marc is a great friend and an awesome business partner.

His creativity combined with the passion to deliver outstanding results will impress you.

Let him do the sales pitch and the business is yours!"

"Marc is the guy you are waiting for. No literally you are waiting for him - always.

But forget the time - when he is coming - he will satisfy you."

Source: musketon

Some AI generated testimonials

Here are some Real fake reviews.

"I am completely blown away."

"No matter where you go, Marc's awesome creative problem solving is the coolest, most happening thing around! It's really wonderful. I use Marc's awesome creative problem solving often."

"I'd be lost without Marc's awesome creative problem solving."

"After using Marc's awesome creative problem solving my business skyrocketed!"

[eng.] "Marc! It was a bright surprise - Spotlight on! =) We keep in contact! Still all the best! Lena"

[eng.] "Dear Marc, it was nice to had you on our team. Thanks for the great support, the creative sparks and the pleasant talks at 3 am in the morning. All the best! Nico"

[eng.] "Marcy Marc, thanks for being here. I wish you a happy journey onto your next destination. Excited to hear more innovative ideas about Tinder-Matching from you. Best Anja."

Innovative Tinder Ideas?


What about some tinder


best of


received by marc

[eng.] "You suck."

Source: Tinder India
Source: Tinder India

[eng.] "you're pretty creative, i'll give you that. haha"

[eng.] "😂😂😂 I like your humor.

[eng.] "somehow a little gay"

[eng.] "oh man I can't take it anymore 😂😂😂.

how is it even possible to be that funny!😂"

[eng.] "This here is way to exhausting with you. I love to date man who can articulate well and can express themself eloquently, but your text here really is somehow too much haha"

[eng.] "The winner of this month tinder bio belongs to you 😂😂 "

Source: milly cohen

We need to talk




Source: kenzie.szymarek

I am interested in your thoughts And taste of beer


Last upDated: 01-12-21 - 02:41 Am

Campervan Outdoor First aid Travel ID Design motorbike

Source: Shelter Movers


Source: 1jet2unknown


Source: Saddle Cafe
Source: UNNATI
Source: uhlsport


Marc Jaspers


Stadenerstr. 11, 48496 Hopsten

Made on mmm